Friday, November 6, 2015

Digital Health Dilemma: Regulators Struggle to Keep Pace with Health-Care Technology Innovation

Health IT firms are urging Congress and federal agencies to clarify and simplify several aspects of regulation, and to more frequently update their guidance.

Federal health-care regulators walk a fine line between protecting the public’s health and fostering innovation in a huge sector of the nation’s economy. But because the pace of new product development in health-care technology is accelerating, finding that balance has become more difficult as the distinctions between medical devices, software and consumer applications blur. Health IT firms ranging from two-person startups to Fortune 500 companies are urging Congress and federal agencies to clarify and simplify several aspects of regulation and to more frequently update their guidance.
There are two key areas where business leaders argue that laws and regulations are impeding innovation: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which protects the privacy and security of patient data; and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval process, which software companies say is too ambiguous about which types of software will be regulated.
HIPAA, first signed into law in 1996, was updated in the HIPAA Omnibus Rule required by the HITECH Act of 2010. The update strengthened privacy, security and enforcement provisions, but many people designing mobile health applications say it did not simplify policy and technical language. Some complain that instead of specifying how to comply, the regulations offer only high-level recommendations. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) refers developers to other resources such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for recommendations on how to encrypt data, for instance.
Dr. Divya Dhar is the CEO of Seratis, a Philadelphia-based startup that has created a secure patient-centric mobile messaging application for doctors, nurses and other health-care providers. The application also involves some data analytics. She stresses that in one sense, HIPAA rules enable innovation.

"The patient should have access to their health data and should very easily be able to say who else they want to share it with," says Dr. Divya Dhar, CEO of Seratis.

“The fact that there is HIPAA means that a secure messaging service like ours is important,” Dhar said. “Without it, people would just use things like iMessage and Android SMS.” On the other hand, she says, HIPAA can hinder innovation. “Because data gets locked in, you are unable to use it for the big data analytics piece,” she said. “Even if a patient came to you and wanted to share that data, you would have to go through several hoops to make that happen. The patient should have access to their health data and should very easily be able to say who else they want to share it with.”
Dhar said her company had to hire attorneys to make sure its solution complied with HIPAA policies when providers put it in place. “The policy piece is hard to decipher on your own, and we worked with a very good firm, but obviously that is extremely expensive.” App developers say the law should be written so people can implement it without having to hire lawyers to understand its basic elements.
In fact, one startup, Atlas Health in Nashville, Tenn., has built its business model around helping other startups meet HIPAA requirements. “The company’s founding was inspired by my own experience as an independent software developer working for small health-care organizations — people with ideas for the next big mobile health app,” said Philip Misiowiec, president of Atlas Health. “I realized areas of HIPAA are really murky. You have to spend a lot of time digging through it. It is like reading an encyclopedia.” There are high-end consulting groups that can solve HIPAA woes, but they are expensive, he said. “A two-person company developing a mobile app doesn’t have that kind of money, so that is where we come in.”
Misiowiec said he has made several recommendations to the federal Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC). “First, they should develop a simplified guide that says here is how HIPAA applies to you, the possible use cases and what you need to do — with specific guidelines, including bringing what NIST recommends into that same document.” Second, he said, the ONC should create and maintain an online community for developers to share information. “If you look at the developer community, there are a lot of great resources like Stack Exchange,” said Misiowiec. “Just having a resource to post questions would be helpful.”
Morgan Reed, executive director of ACT, the App Association, which represents approximately 5,000 app companies and IT firms, said there is a huge disparity in the quality of user experience in the applications available in health care and in other sectors of the economy. “It’s not as though there are no good ideas out there, but health care is often where good ideas go to die,” he said. At least part of the reason involves regulatory barriers people face when developing apps in this space.
One area Reed wants to see Congress and HHS revisit is whether cloud service vendors should be required to meet HIPAA requirements as “business associates” of health-care providers.

"It’s not as though there are no good ideas out there," says Morgan Reed, executive director of ACT, the App Association, "but health care is often where good ideas go to die."

“If you are merely using a cloud service as a waypoint as data moves on to a care team and it is end-to-end encrypted, why require business associate agreements?” Reed asked. “If every single waypoint has to have a business associate agreement, that is going to slow down the ability to move forward on some of these technologies, especially in one key area: the quantified health solutions such as Apple’s HealthKit and Fitbit, as those products start being more useful.”
Another problem app developers face is outdated documentation on HHS websites. For programmers, examples are key to how they learn and build their business model, Reed said. But if the examples given predate the iPhone and only reference BlackBerry, then that leads to uncertainty. “The examples are so out of date that you can’t make a coherent case to your venture capitalists or investors,” he added.
Some analysts and consultants argue that the language of HIPAA security rules is ambiguous by design to put the burden of determining what compliance means on the regulated organizations themselves, based on their own structures, size and budgets. They say companies should be careful about demanding that HHS provide more specificity, because they may not like the more rigid framework drawn up in response.
Reed said the industry is glad that HHS takes a technology-neutral approach to HIPAA, and he admits that the ONC and HHS’ Office for Civil Rights are in a difficult position of trying to ensure the privacy and security of data on one hand and accessibility and flow of data on the other. “They are absolutely trying to figure out how to take advantage of this enormous explosion of mobile health apps that can change patient outcomes,” he said. “They have to figure out how they can restructure documents that are going on 10 years old to reflect high-speed Internet, mobile devices and wearables, and it is all coming at them now, and not just on the patient side, but on the physician side as well.”
ACT recently sent a letter to U.S. Rep. Tom Marino, R-Pa., asking Congress to push HHS to make changes to HIPAA. Among its suggestions are that “HHS should provide HIPAA information in a manner that is accessible and useful to the community who needs it. The agency should draft new FAQs that directly address mobile developer concerns.” It also asks that the Office for Civil Rights improve and update guidance on acceptable implementations. “Given that HIPAA is a federal statute that mandates several requirements, OCR should provide implementation standards — or examples of standard implementations that would not trigger an enforcement action — instead of leaving app makers to learn about these through an audit,” the letter said.


If grumbling about HIPAA compliance is commonplace, the complaints about the FDA approval process are much louder and insistent. Facing a growing number of applications that move data (and sometimes care recommendations) between devices, providers’ electronic health records and patients’ mobile devices, the FDA has sought to understand which ones pose a potential patient safety risk and require a formal approval process. So far, the FDA is taking a fairly hands-off approach and requiring approval for few types of applications while it learns more about the burgeoning market. But that ambiguity is tough on entrepreneurs seeking venture capital funding.
“I know developers who have opted to go into other things rather than mobile apps they think would be subject to FDA approval now or in the future,” said Joel White, executive director of the Health IT Now Coalition, which represents patient groups, provider organizations, employers and payers. “And I know companies that are building regulatory risk premiums into their product development, which would make them more expensive,” he added. “Either the products don’t get developed or they are more expensive. Either way, it is not a good situation, which is why we want more clarity so we can have an environment that promotes innovation.”
“There should be greater certainty about which technologies will be regulated, by whom and to which standards,” said Mike Marchlik, vice president of quality assurance and regulatory affairs for health IT company McKesson, in an email interview. “The current model of using the 40-year-old device definition and statute to govern modern health IT creates significant uncertainty, subjects health IT regulation to the changing political landscape, and therefore has the potential to stifle innovation.”
He noted that lawmakers have been working with health-care stakeholders and patient and provider organizations to define categories that ensure patient safety, foster regulatory certainty and promote innovation. Last year legislation was introduced in both houses of Congress that would create three definitions of health-related software: “medical software,” “clinical software” and “health software.”  Only medical software would be subject to regulation by the FDA.
In response, the FDA, working with ONC and the FCC, issued a lengthy draft report (the FDASIA Health IT Report) that recommends a similar three-bucket regulatory risk-based framework, but doesn’t set the categories in stone and leaves some questions unanswered, critics say. (The report also calls for the creation of a Health IT Safety Center to study issues related to patient safety.)
A fundamental tension has developed between the FDA on one hand and software companies and some members of Congress on the other, explained Bradley Merrill Thompson, general counsel of the mHealth Regulatory Coalition. “Members of Congress want to lock the definitions and process in, and FDA is saying we don’t know enough to draw those lines with enough certainty that a year from now we won’t need to revisit them,” he said. “FDA is saying you need to leave us flexibility about what causes harm and allow us to be flexible in how we apply the rules. Innovators are saying we don’t know whether our product will be regulated or not and investors need to know. There has to be some compromise between those positions.”

"If you actually drop the pins in the sandbox on regulatory guidance and pour concrete around those pins in an embryonic and evolving market, you might do a disservice to the market," says Anand Iyer, chief data science officer at WellDoc.

One technology executive who believes the FDA’s approach is the correct one is Anand Iyer, chief data science officer at disease management software company WellDoc, based in Baltimore. His company received FDA approval for its “mobile prescription therapy” software more than five years ago. The company’s BlueStar platform is used to help diabetes patients adhere to physicians’ treatment recommendations.
Iyer said the FDA was wise to develop an approach called “enforcement discretion,” which leaves it to the manufacturer to conduct a risk analysis and assure stakeholders that it has followed good manufacturing processes and that it doesn’t believe its product is going to create any residual risk to a patient.
“I think this was helpful,” Iyer said. “It offers flexibility. Truthfully it is too early to be more prescriptive. If you actually drop the pins in the sandbox on regulatory guidance and pour concrete around those pins in an embryonic and evolving market, you might do a disservice to the market. You might constrain it in ways that could be completely wrong.”
Iyer said WellDoc solved issues with the FDA through informal dialog. There is a formal process called 513(g) that companies can use to go on record to officially ask the FDA for its perspective and feedback on something. “We have not done that yet,” Iyer said. “We were fortunate to be part of many public-private, open-forum discussions with the FDA. These were open things we would just discuss and debate,” he said. “They also have held summits with the FDA, NIH, FTC, National Science Foundation and others to create a cross-governmental perspective on mobile health applications as it relates to regulation, risk and patient safety.”
Yet others still see much room for improvement. The FDA’s approval process is badly in need of repair on a couple of different levels, said Thompson. One is the threshold question of defining with precision what it does and does not regulate. “We have been asking since 2011, over three years, to publish a guidance document defining the portion of clinical decision support software that they intend to regulate,” he said.
In the FDASIA Health IT Report, the FDA said it would figure out later what to do about clinical decision support, according to Health IT Now’s White. “Later is now for companies like IBM trying to put products based on Watson on the market that link people with clinical trials using clinical decision support,” he said.
Another unanswered question relates to accessories and connected health. “The old rule was that if something connects to or plugs into a medical device, it is a medical device regulated in the same manner,” Thompson said. “Well, now everything is connected to everything else in a network, so that rule doesn’t make sense anymore. We are scratching our heads trying to figure out where medical devices stop and start. FDA promised us guidance on that, and it is not out yet.”
The FDA also could be nimbler in response to developer requests, suggested Reed. “We have been forthright and aggressive with the FDA about some of the timelines to get through the 510(k) or the 513(g) process. [A 510(k) is a notice of intent to market a medical device.]
The idea that you have to wait for 100 days to hear back on something is not reasonable.” The developer community says that even an answer of “no” is better than no answer at all. “Then at least they know how to begin to address the problem or do something differently,” Reed said. “It is the nonexistent answer that kills.”
Speaking at a conference symposium last February, FDA senior policy adviser Bakul Patel told the audience that in 80 percent of the cases, the agency had met the statutory 90-day timeframe under the 510(k) process, according to a report in Health Data Management.
Patel described the oversight as focused on a small subset of apps that present the greatest risk to patients, while the vast majority of apps do not require active FDA oversight because they do not meet the definition of a medical device under the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the report said.
By its definition, digital health is at the nexus of clinical innovation, behavioral science innovation, pharmaceutical innovation, and consumer electronics and gadget innovation, WellDoc’s Iyer said. That requires a complementary structure of policy and regulation and data security and privacy. He said you could imagine that complicated picture in one of two ways: One is a shoelace that has 16 tangled knots in it. The other is the intersection of freeways 405 and 10 in Los Angeles — chaotic but well structured. Every onramp and offramp has a purpose.

“That is the future you want to invoke: well structured, highly complex, with lots of moving parts, but it works,” Iyer said. “This is the mother of all freeway interchanges, and I think the traffic is starting to flow. People were reticent to get on the onramp, but now you see more people getting on.”

Friday, October 16, 2015

Top 3 issues facing patient privacy

You have greater privacy rights regarding the size of a shirt you purchased online than you do about information in your mental health records under theConsumer Privacy Bill of Rights, issued by the White House in February 2012. At least that’s the position of James C. Pyles, an attorney specializing in patient privacy rights. He authored the forthcoming Health Information Privacy Bill of Rights, an initiative to provide at leastthe same level of rights to patients as are offered to consumers under the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights.
The Health Information Privacy Bill of Rights, developed with the American Psychoanalytic Association, comes at a critical time when, with the nationwide implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), the issue of patient privacy is more important than ever. With the advent of electronic records, Mr. Pyles and others point out that it’s possible to improperly disclose identifiable electronic health information of millions of patients almost instantly.
The numbers back it up. During the past two years, the health information privacy of nearly 18 million Americans has been breached electronically, a statistic cited in The Financial Impact of Breached Protected Health Information: A Business Case for Enhanced PHI Security, a seminal report by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), The Santa Fe Group/Shared Assessments Program Healthcare Working Group, and the Internet Security Alliance (ISA). Unprecedented health privacy breaches along with complex and conflicting health privacy laws have resulted in a loss of trust by patients that their health information privacy will be protected and confusion by those who handle health information about what is expected.
With the rapid adoption of EHRs, serious issues in patient privacy rights need to be addressed: gaps in legislation, lack of trust in the system, and lack of patient control over their electronic data.
1. Legislative gaps
Federal legislation, such as HIPAA and the HITECH Act, seek to safeguard protected health information (PHI). In addition, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 46 states have data breach notification laws. And, of course, there’s the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights which affords some level of privacy rights to patients.
HIPAA and the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, however, create an odd legislative gap. Mr. Pyles notes that the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights excludespatients to the extent their health information is covered by HIPAA, while offering greater privacy rights with respect to health information not covered by HIPAA. He cites the year-long study by ANSI and others that uncovered the “inadequacies” of HIPAA, including the fact that the HIPAA Privacy Rule was not even intended by the Department of Health and Human Services to serve as a “best practices” standard for privacy protection.
This means that HIPAA-protected PHI does not benefit from the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights and is subject to the same privacy pitfalls as before. The Health Information Privacy Bill of Rights seeks to “protect the fundamental right to privacy of all Americans and the health information privacy that is essential for quality health care,” with prescriptions for patient control, security, accountability, and other rights.
2. A lack of trust
Maintaining patient trust is the cornerstone to a successful healthcare system. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has indicated that a lack of this trust may affect [a patient’s] willingness to disclose necessary health information and could have life-threatening consequences.
Dr. Deborah Peel, founder of Patient Privacy Rights, agrees. “The lack of privacy causes bad health outcomes. Millions of people every year avoid treatment because they know health data is not private,” she says. She cites several cases where privacy concerns affected the quality of healthcare:
  • The HHS estimated that 586,000 Americans did not seek earlier cancer treatment.
  • HHS estimated that 2,000,000 Americans did not seek treatment for mental illness.
  • Millions of young Americans suffering from sexually transmitted diseases do not seek treatment.
  • The Rand Corporation found that 150,000 soldiers suffering from PTSD do not seek treatment because of privacy concerns.
  • The lack of privacy contributes to the highest rate of suicide among active duty soldiers in 30 years.
3. A lack of patient control
A colleague of mine recently posted this blog: Who Owns Patient Data in Electronic Health Records? He wondered who has “control” over the modifying, accessing, and sharing of electronic data. With paper records, control was rarely an issue, as data exchange was point-to-point, e.g., faxing records from one physician to another. EHRs and HIEs, however, create countless data sharing and proliferation points. Who has control over what information is shared where and with whom?
For sensitive medical information, such as psychotherapy or gynecological records, the issue of control is critical. In his paper, Debate Over Patient Privacy Control in Electronic Health Records, Mark A. Rothstein, Chair of Law and Medicine at the Louis D. Brandeis School of Law in Kentucky, notes a federal initiative that would enable patients to retain control over sensitive categories of medical information. He admits, however, that “there have been no explicit proposals” to bring the proposal past the drawing board. If this is the case, then these controls would have to be implemented after the fact as part of existing electronic health systems — a costly addition. The Health Information Privacy Bill of Rights may fill that void.
Patient privacy is a fundamental right that is being challenged as patient records are digitized, and access to those records increases exponentially. “The success of our national healthcare ecosystem depends on respecting that right,” Mr. Pyles says. “Patients should not be required to sacrifice their right to privacy in order to obtain health care. Public trust in the health care delivery system cannot be maintained if privacy rights for sensitive health information are weaker than the privacy rights of individuals for less sensitive non-health data.”

Friday, October 9, 2015

Medical Transcription Market 2015 Global Trends, Market Size, Share, Price, Segmentation, Research Report and Forecast 2019

Global Medical Transcription Market to grow at a CAGR of 6% over the period 2014-2019. The Report “Global Medical Transcription Market” has been prepared on the basis of an in-depth Global Medical Transcription Market analysis with inputs from team of industry experts. It Includes Global Medical Transcription Market growth prospects along with market landscape in upcoming years. The report also covers discussion on the key vendors operating in the Global Medical Transcription Market Space.
Global Medical Transcription Market 2015 Global Trends, Market Size, Share, Price, Segmentation, Research Report and Forecast 2015-2020.
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Medical transcription is the process that involves documentation of medical records from voice to text format. Physicians record patient details in audio format, and these details are sent to a transcriptionist to decode and store in digital format. Medical transcription helps make data interpretation and analysis easy as through this health records are stored in a structured format. With the adoption of new technology and improvements in the healthcare sector, the global medical transcription market is expected to experience various opportunities.
The report Global Medical Transcription Market Industry provides a comprehensive analysis of the Global Medical Transcription Market.This report also includes detailed segmentation of the Global Medical Transcription Market. The leading sector, emerging sectors, along with their growth statistics have been mentioned in the report.
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Key regions
• Americas
Key vendors
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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Revenue cycle outsourcing in growth mode

As ICD-10 looms, value-based reimbursement remains clouded in uncertainty and many technology vendors under-deliver on their promises, more and more hospitals are outsourcing their revenue cycle management processes.

A new report from Black Book research finds that many RCM platforms – some which are more than a decade old – are missing the advanced functionality needed to meet the demands of new reimbursement models. As hospital leaders take stock of new financial software, much of which is still in evolving as details of value-based payments continue to come into focus, many are turning to outsourced services in the interim.

"As hospitals and physician practices grapple with intense pressure to optimize revenue cycle management processes, outsourcing has emerged as a powerful solution to the challenges of a rapidly changing healthcare model," said Doug Brown, managing partner of Black Book, in a press statement.

Among the findings of Black Book's report:
  • Seventy-nine percent of chief financial officers are looking to cut ties with RCM vendors that are not producing a return on investment in 2016; more than half of them (54 percent) believe outsourcing revenue cycle management processes will allow them to become more efficient and better positioned financially.
  • RCM transition activities are being coordinated through advisors and consultants at 17 percent of hospitals surveyed, and a huge majority of those organizations (78 percent) have yet to settle on a vendor for the new era of value-based reimbursements.
  • Seventy-three percent of medical group practices working with consultants on accountable care reimbursement strategies are considering outsourcing RCM in 2016 as they evaluate technology vendors.
  • Eighty-three percent of hospitals now outsource some accounts receivable and collections. Contract management and denial management follow next with 58 percent and 55 percent, respectively. More than two thirds (68 percent) of physician groups with more than ten practitioners now outsource some combination of collections and claims management.
Black Book also ranked the top RCM outsourcing vendors for various categories of healthcare providers: Optum360 was tops for hospital managed systems corporations, networks and chains; Emdeon was the choice for small hospitals (fewer than 150 Beds) and Conifer Health for larger facilities (150 beds or more). Other top-ranked firms among surveyed hospitals: The Advisory Board, McKesson/RelayHealth, Dell, Adreima, MedAssets and TruBridge

Friday, September 25, 2015

CMS: Government shutdown won't jeopardize ICD-10 transition

However, uncertainty surrounds ICD-10 Coordination Center, ombudsman

While officials from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services could not say definitively on a media call Thursday what the status of the agency's new ICD-10 Coordination Center and its ombudsman would be in the event of a government shutdown on Oct. 1, they did maintain that the transition itself will go on as planned.

Agencies, including CMS, are in the process of reviewing contingency plans in case Congress can't come to a budget agreement, according to FierceGovernment. But CMS Principal Deputy Administrator Patrick Conway and William Rogers, the agency's new ICD-10 ombudsman, said it was yet to be determined how critical the coordination center and the ombudsman position would be to the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10.

"We just don't know, honestly," Rogers said. "There are different legal issues that have to be considered about what are emergency operations and what aren't. People who aren't in this room are deciding what we can legally do and what we can't do in case of a shutdown in terms of staffing here at CMS."

Despite that uncertainty, Conway assured members of the media that provider claims would not be jeopardized if the government shuts down. CMS, he said, has the staffing flexibility to ensure "core operations" will remain in full effect.

"In the event of a shutdown, we will continue--and I want to be clear on this--to pay claims, to implement the ICD-10 transition," Conway said.

In terms of updates on the transition after Oct. 1, Conway said CMS will monitor the transition in as close to real-time as possible, but added it likely would be a few weeks before the agency could offer a full review of those efforts.

"Medicare claims take several days to be processed, and can take approximately two weeks. Medicaid claims can take up to 30 days to be submitted and processed. For this reason, we expect to have more detailed information after a full billing cycle is complete," he said. "We would, of course, communicate transparently with our various stakeholders about how the transition has progressed."
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