Monday, December 31, 2012

Sustain Your Business Records by ChoosingBest Transcription Company

Now a day’s top company of transcription offers excellent businesstranscription solutions at affordable rates. Remember that these transcriptionservices provide a turnaround time of 12 hours and a STAT time of 2 hours.

Today with the upcomingglobalization, the services of transcription are offered by many medium andlarge businesses. If you notice, there are vast numbers of establishedcompanies for Business Transcription available; theyare professionally trained to transcribe your desire needs at affordable rates.Generally, meaning of Transcription is the method of recording the audioinformation into a text format. These transcription services also include thewritten data that is once heard of the audio. All this is done under thesupervision of trained experts and professionals.

There are different forms ofTranscription available in various formats like Business Transcription, Audio Transcription Services, ConferenceCall Transcript, and Digital Transcription. This transcription alsomakes use of customized and optimized software, which controls thetranscriptionist to virtually create a flawless copy from the audiotranscription.

Many events pertaining tobusiness take place in big organization like seminars, business meets,conferences, which are recorded by various audio and videotranscription equipments like utilizing a small tape recorder etc.

A couple of significant data ormeetings might have been recorded in cassette tapes or gramophone, which arenow a days out of date. These cassette tapes requires to be digitalized intothe required format like utilizing  someequipments that contains some software like Audacity, which edits the sound andother audio encoders like MP3 etc.

What is required by the customersis they just need to discard the physical audio tapes at the premises of anybusiness transcription service provider's office.

Today, we observe that as far asdigital era is concerned, every single business recordings are transcribed invarious modes of digital audio and video formats. Most of the digital transcription companiesoffering digital services accept almost all kinds of audio formats like .WAV,AIFF, real audio, midi ,Ogg etc along with different video formats likeAVI,MPEG/MPEG4,,MkV, RM/RMV,MOV, WMV etc. and this way they offer their digitaltranscription service solutions. What these companies do is ask the clients toupload the digital files directly into their safe FTP web server. Why does itbecome essential for any business company or organization to obtain the serviceof a good quality transcription company?

Many times it happens that, mostof the famous business companies, in spite of having in house transcriptionbusiness fail to meet the terms due to lack of professionals. The major reasonor cause of such failure maybe because they over burdened their employees withextra burden of transcribing the business activities.

Initially these unskilled or semiskilled staff met with difficulties in recording Moreover these semi skilledstaffs were encountered with difficulties in transcribing complicated accents,voice disturbance and long and hectic hours of editing process etc. All thesedifficulties form a major part of failing to provide good quality oftranscription services and solutions.

AboutBizscribes Inc.

BizscribesTranscription Service is a leading provider of quality and accurate businesstranscription services at affordable prices. Your transcription needs couldinclude meetings, conferences, speeches, one-on-one interviews, board meetings,etc. Get accurate transcription within the timeframe that best suits yourbusiness transcription needs. We also transcribe board meetings and calls toanalysts for quarterly and annual performance.

Foradditional information, please visit

MediaContact (Mediscribes)
Rob Byer

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374
Copyright © 2009. Bizscribes.
Bizscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Useful health tips for medical transcriptionists

The job of medical transcriptionists is usually quite demanding. In this blog, I have discussed about different health tips that can enhance the performance of medical transcriptionists and energize them to perform better on the job.

Medical transcriptionists have the toughest jobs available in medical transcription domain wherein; they not only need complete concentration while transcribing a medical document; but they also need to be nimble footed to get to complete their targets on daily basis. Along with this, there is lot of competition amongst peers to showcase their talent, which ultimately leads to lot of stress in long term. Hence, it is very important to take care of some basic things in office while doing your job as a medical transcriptionist. This blog is totally dedicated towards various nitty-gritty which can improve the job performance of medical transcriptionists drastically. Like I mentioned in my previous blog, medical transcriptionists are the soul of a good medical transcription company. Without professional medical transcriptionists it is not possible to imagine the medical transcription business to survive in this competitive environment. Hence, today I am going to provide some useful health tips which will prove to be a boon for medical transcriptionists. So if the readers of this blog include medical transcriptionists and aspiring medical transcriptionists then this is an ideal opportunity for you to get into the groove and learn from the tips given below. Lot of experienced medical transcriptionists now regret avoiding these basic health tips during their work years. Hence; you can very well learn from the mistakes of these experienced people.


Remember this and read carefully the health tips mentioned below:

  • Body Language: The kind of posture that you have when you sit while using computers can have a very deterring factor in creating discomfort such as back pain, stiff neck and shoulders, sore hands and finger among others. Normally when you are given specific targets to complete in a day it is quite natural to push yourself to get the target or even cross it. But you should also understand that human body needs rest.
      • In fact, even a short break for consuming tea or coffee of 5-10 minutes can energize you and it can enhance your productivity by 10 folds.
      • Eating healthy food is also key to have a balanced life. In fact if you are not having a regular time clock for taking lunch or dinner it can have a tremendous effect on your future life.
      •  In addition to this, take out time to exercise for about 10-15 minutes in a day by stretching your body parts and walking. This will make you relax and make you forget about the day-to-day tensions.
      • You can also take the liberty of sitting in relaxed position while doing your job. But do not sit in awkward positions because this often results in body aches.
      • As mentioned earlier, take regular breaks so that your body does not develop cramps by sitting at one position for a long period of time.

  • Form good work habits: While working on the computer sit in a relaxed position and relax your arms and waist while not typing. Do not work for longer work hours. As discussed in the earlier point take regular breaks to energize yourself. Do not press keyboard or mouse too heavily as this shows that your hand muscles are stiff and not relaxed. If you have the habit of using mouse more than the keyboard then keep the mouse in front of you and the keyboard on slightly on the other side. Always have some distance between the monitor and your eyes. Normally monitor should be between 18 to 30 inches away from the eyes. Do meditation before coming to office. Deep breathing also relaxes your muscles and energizes you to perform at an optimal level.  Have finger and hand message to relax your hands and to keep them warm thereby avoiding stiffness and cramping.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust & proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset   ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes) 

Mike Perry


12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374 

Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes.
Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Quality and timely delivery - two major criterias for success of medical transcription company

I am trying to cover up every base of medical transcription business in my blogs. But I have been found guilty several times of stressing a lot of importance on medical transcriptionists in my blog. Can you blame me for that? Perhaps the only reason for it is: recruiting a good medical transcriptionist makes the job of medical transcription company a lot easier because they are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate recruited; and can utilize them effectively for getting optimal results for the organization. But that is something which I have discussed over and over again so let me concentrate on something different.

This blog has been written with the sole intention of getting an outlook on the winning combination that can work wonders for a good medical transcription company. Now when I speak about winning combination; it is more about utilizing the service aspect of the end-product effectively. Medical transcription services vary from company-to-company and I am not going to discuss about it in detail because you can get this information on the website of any reputed medical transcription company. But the key issue is how do good medical transcription companies utilize their resources to get timely and accurate transcription service to their clients? The answer is quite simple; and has been enumerated several times in my blogs. But the uniqueness about this particular blog is I am going to explain the two main criterias which can make or break medical transcription companies in detail. So if you are from medical domain; then the information that I am going to provide will be quite useful to you. Therefore, stay focused and read further.

Let me start with an example. Suppose you are working as a medical transcriptionist in a renowned medical transcription company. You are given all the necessary equipments to succeed at this level and grow professionally. You have also been trained on transcribing medical documents when you joined the company. But you are still making mistakes while transcribing the document. It is not as if you deliberately make errors in the document but due to lack of accent training there are certain medical terms which are quite hard to understand which makes it even harder for you to complete your task with 100% accuracy. Now, the industry standards for accuracy of transcribed documents stand at 99.5%. So if you are able to achieve anything which surpasses this figure you are doing an excellent job and there is nothing to worry. But if you are failing to achieve these figures then you need to work really hard. Do not worry. This blog is concentrated on enlightening you on this subject. So get ready for a sparkling journey of self-discovery of medical transcription domain.

One question that always comes up in my mind when I am thinking about medical transcription domain is: how do medical transcription companies measure the quality of the transcribed documents? The answer is quite simple. Medical transcription companies usually take the help of the services of Quality Analysts to take care of quality aspect of the transcribed documents. Their major duties include:

  • Verifying the transcribed document to find errors and spelling mistakes made by medical transcriptionists
  • Filling up the blanks left by the medical transcriptionists if they do not get the ascent of a particular word from the entire dictation record
  • Coaching the medical transcriptionists in case they catch up any careless mistake made by medical transcriptionists so that the same mistake is not repeated again
  • Taking leadership responsibilities of ensuring the deliverance of TAT with consistent quality
  • Mentoring the junior medical transcriptionists

There are different quality processes followed by different medical transcription companies but the objective still remains the same; which is to provide maximum accuracy to medical practitioners for the transcribed document. There are times when medical transcription companies recruit fresh talent from the market and to maintain the accuracy level of the transcribed document; an internal quality analysis is done for their each transcribed document; so that the documents that are sent to the medical practitioners do not contain any errors or blank spaces. This is really a very important aspect which can make or break the brand reputation of the medical transcription company.

Now since you are aware about the crucial part of quality analysts in the medical transcription process let me discuss about another decisive factor that helps in creating brand awareness for a medical transcription company. We have heard it on many occasions that time is of great essence which can make you win or lose clients. Hence, take extra precaution while making a promise and when you do make a promise always takes extra time then required. This can be of great advantage in long term; as you can deliver the product within the time frame even sooner than promised and the other advantage is that you do not have to compromise on the quality aspect of the product. Many times I have seen companies making promises just to eliminate unnecessary competition; but what they do not understand is the fact that by doing that they are putting extra pressure on their peers and subordinates to carry out the task in minimal time. This can result in delivery of subsidized quality of product or delayed product delivery. In either case; the brand name of the transcription company is at stake. Hence, it is always better to carry out the SWOT analysis of your resources i.e., medical transcriptionists at disposal and then determine the TAT time. Even if it is couple of hours more than the standard time provided by other medical transcription company; the only way to stand out of the competition to provide something additional on top of your normal services in the best possible manner.

If you understand these two things and deliver your end-product with 100% accuracy in best possible time; then you can rest assure of great sales opportunity in near future. So never underestimate your resources or put additional pressure on them. In either of these cases, the results will never be beneficial for the company in long term basis. Hence, the best bet is to have a synchronized approach and focus on delivering quality end product to the clients in the best possible time; irrespective of the industry standards followed by other medical transcription companies.

Always remember it requires courage to be different and lead the way from the front; than to follow others on the same pattern!

Create your own destiny by laying strong foundation based on trust and integrity. Then the results will come automatically!

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust & proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset   ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes) 

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374

Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes

Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, July 2, 2012

6 Empowering Benefits of Medical Transcription Outsourcing

Medical transcription business is on the rise and so medical practitioners need to decide whether they wish to conduct medical transcription in-house or outsource it to an offshore location. In this article; we look at the various benefits that can be derived from outsourcing medical transcription services to an offshore medical transcription provider.

Medical transcription business has become quite popular. But doctors are so busy with their day-to-day schedule; it becomes very difficult for them to transcribe the documents at the time of patient visit. Hence; they outsource the medical transcription service to a third party. Let us look at some of the benefits of outsourcing medical transcription services:

  • Cost effective: The major reason for outsourcing medical transcription service is the cost benefit that can be derived from it. Offshore locations give tremendous opportunities to medical practitioners to get the transcription services done at a cheaper cost that is normally associated with US. Some of the additional benefits of outsourcing transcription services to off-shore location are:
    • Lower per line cost
    • Lower direct labor costs
    • Lower costs in HR, administrative and training areas
    • Lower annual maintenance costs for maintenance of digital and transcription equipment
  • Exploits industry experience: Clients stand-out from the rest of transcription industry with the help of experience gained by them. They have significant experience working on wide array of medical records like:
    • Operative Note
    • Discharge Summary
    • Progress Note
    • Emergency Room Procedure
  • Exploit time zone differences on offshore locations: The time zone difference between India and US gives an advantage to the clients to download, transcribe and transmit the documents overnight so that US medical practitioners get the transcribed document the following working day. This ensures fastest turnaround time in the industry.
  • High quality and accurate medical records: Medical transcription service providers adhere to globally standardized, HIPAA compliant medical transcription process and follow stringent multi-level QA procedures. The QA procedures include:
    • Editing
    • Proofreading
    • Reviewing of completed records
Medical transcription service providers ensure that quality of the transcribed documents is maintained. They also enforce penalties to those who do not adhere to the quality standards and turnaround times.

  • Reduced HR responsibility in Hiring, Training and Administration: Human Resources departments of healthcare facilities and hospitals can substantially reduce the time, resources and effort on hiring, training and maintaining medical transcription staff on their payroll. Medical transcription is required across all the departments and functionalities, 24 x 7 including on-call and emergency room procedures. Hence; if the transcription services are outsourced then the number of staff required for payroll processing, hiring and administrative responsibilities are reduced drastically.
  • No affect of seasonal fluctuations in staffing: U.S. medical transcription business is seriously affected by seasonal fluctuations. During winter patient consultations are on the rise and during holiday seasons such as Christmas and Thanksgiving; hospitals are largely understaffed. When the medical transcription services are outsourced to offshore locations, these seasonal fluctuations in staffing do not affect the business.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust & proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes)
Mike Perry

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374
Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes.
Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.


Medical transcription companies select medical transcriptionists after taking initial tests. In this article; we look at the different ways through which medical transcriptionists can prepare for the test.

Medical transcription companies have different evaluation techniques for assessing the skills and knowledge of an MT during the hiring process. Medical transcription tests generally consist of grammar, vocabulary, and typing tests with selected voice files. They can be stressful if proper preparation is not done before the interview. These tests may include: grammar, vocabulary and typing tests with selected voice files. Let us look at some of the ways to prepare for medical transcription test:

  • Carry reference material if allowed by the medical transcription company:  Most of the medical transcription companiesallow medical transcriptionists to use reference materials during medical transcription testing. If that is the case, then carry your reference materials like: dictionaries, medical word books, favorite medical websites etc. in an organized manner so that they are handy and can be useful during test.
  • Take a good nap night before the test: It is always advisable to have a good night’s sleep before taking the medical transcription test. You will feel refreshed and energetic for the all important test. Start the day with a fresh mind. Take a hot bath before the tests; so that you are well awake and alert for the test.
  • Disconnect with all distractions of the outer world prior to the test: Before you start off with the transcription test disconnect from all the possible distractions of the outer world. Inform your family members and friends not to distract you from the test. Turn off your mobile, radio etc. before initiating the test.
  • Relax and take deep breath before answering a question:  When you start a test, take a deep breath so that your mind does not turn out to be blank. Even if you are unable to answer a particular question, skip to the next question. You can then go back to correct or complete the answer. Always revise the answers before submitting it to the employers.
  • Take a short break before the test: It is always advisable to take a short break before going for the typing test. Browse internet on mobile, listen to music on radio, see text messages, walk around etc.
  • Always leave some space for difficult words in the transcribed documents: The actual typing test will determine your appointment. Hence; it is very important to relax and breathe easily before taking the test. There are times when medical transcription companies give you difficult dictators. Hence; it is always advisable to keep blank spaces. Do not guess at a patient’s medical records. A medical transcription company will hire you quicker if you leave blanks than guess.
  • Always proof-read the dictation before sending: After completing the transcribed document always re-listen to the dictation for proof. If you have left some blank spaces then try to fill them up. If you have made some mistake then correct it immediately. Take a break, relax and then run the spell-check option for accurate results.
A good medical transcriptionist would always take care of the points mentioned above.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust & proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset   ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes)
Mike Perry

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374
Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes.
Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.

3 Indispensable Characteristics Prevalent in Good Medical Transcription Companies

Medical transcription services have become an integral part of the health care domain. With so many medical transcriptioncompanies already in the market, it becomes very difficult for the medical practitioners to identify the right company for their needs. There are three indispensable characteristics which need to be prevalent in good medical transcription companies:

  • Dependability of the service provider: According to HIPAA guidelines; personal information of the patient should not be displayed to another identity except the medical examiner. Hence; care should be taken that the information provided is safe and secure with the medical transcription company. Check the clientele of the service provider. It will give you a fair idea of the goodwill of the provider. Also check the quality of the transcription services including accent and technologies used in transcribed document.
  • Efficiency of service: The most influential deciding factor in selecting a medical transcription service provider is the value provided by the transcription company to the medical practitioners. A quick turnaround time at a feasible cost is an additional bonus. Usually good transcription companies take less than 24 hours to deliver the report. However; there are other companies which provide the services in 4 to 6 hours with an additional cost. A good transcription company will always charge you on number of lines in the transcription. You should always ask if they charge any additional cost for corrections in the transcription.
  • Type of technology adopted: Lots of technologies are used by medical transcription companies including toll-free phone dictations, recording on hand-held digital devices and PC applications. A good medical transcription company will always use latest technology in a secured manner; so that the information is safe.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust & proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes)
Mike Perry

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374
Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes.
Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

5 Definite Reasons To Integrate Transcription With EMR System

Medical transcription business has reached a new milestone with the integration of eMR. In this article; we look at different reasons to integrate transcription services with eMR system.

With the emergence of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system; there was a big question mark over the medical transcription industry. But with the synchronization of both these processes medical practitioners have been able to save lot of time, increase productivity and get accurate documentation in a timely manner. Let us now look at some of the reasons to integrate transcription with eMR system:
  • Quick and efficient output: Medical practitioners are usually busy in their clinics/practices so they do not have time to type patient’s notes into eMR system. Hence; dictation systems helps medical practitioners in saving time and directly integrates the transcribed document in eMR system. This enables the doctors to keep up the pace with their productivity rate.
  • Synchronization with eMRs: eMRs have significantly reduced the workload of medical transcriptionists. With the help of the software the transcribed documents can be directly inserted in the eMR of the respective medical practitioner by using Discrete Reportable Transcription (DRT). eMRs are meeting the “meaningful use” requirements, and a complete and accurate patient visit record is being recorded.
  • Generates profit: It becomes quite cumbersome for the medical practitioners to stop typing into eMR during each patient visit. This results in reduced patients which ultimately reduces the profit. Using a lucrative dictation system, medical practitioners can continue to see more patients thereby increasing the profits.
  • Decreases data-entry costs: Medical practitioners cannot be used for data-entry tasks. They are too good of a resource to be wasted on data-entry tasks. If you hire an in-house medical transcriptionist you need to pay salary and benefits. Voice recognition systems are too costly and show a higher error rate than a human transcriptionist.
  • Accuracy of information: If the medical practitioners type their own notes it can lead to higher error rate. Usually they have to shift from one appointment to another which can affect the accuracy of the notes. Also there are times when medical practitioners use copy-paste or copy-forward function on eMR which results in inaccurate information being stored on patient’s record.
With the amalgamation of eMR with Medical Transcription business it becomes very easy for Medical Practitioners to conduct their day-to-day activities. A global medical transcription company exploits the services of eMR in an expertise manner; and gets the transcribed documents done in a quick time.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust & proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes)
Mike Perry

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374
Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes.
Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.


Medical transcriptionists need to have certain key skill-sets to be successful in medical transcription domain. In this article; we look at distinct skill-sets required by medical transcriptionists in medical transcription business.

Medical transcription business is expanding on a daily basis. We are already seeing a lot of demand for specialized services of medical transcriptionists in the market. There are several skill sets required for a medical transcriptionist to be successful in their profession. Let us look at these skills individually:
  • Exceptional control over grammar, spelling and punctuation: Medical transcriptionist should have exceptional spelling skills. It is always recommended for the medical transcriptionist to have a dictionary with them but do not ponder over the words excessively; because most probably they are paid for the amount they type. Good grammar skills and punctuation marks will give them an edge over their competitors.
  • Concentration for longer period of time: A medical transcriptionist needs to sit in front of computers for longer period of time. Good focus on the transcribed document can reduce the number of mistakes in the patient’s medical report. Mistakes can endanger the lives of patients hence; proper care needs to be taken while transcribing the document.
  • Work without supervision and stay motivated: Sometimes medical transcriptionists need to work from home. At that point, it becomes very important for them to stay motivated so that they can work without any supervision. Turnaround time for the reports need to be met; as a report is due in only one or two hours after it is dictated.
  • Exceptional research skills: A medical transcriptionist must have excellent research skills. They should not only have the right reference books, but they should also be able to pick the right book quickly. The medical transcriptionist should be able to find hospitals and physicians; in case if there is any spelling mistake or abbreviations.
  • Above average typing skills: Good typing skills are must for an excellent medical transcriptionist. Without typing speed it becomes very difficult for the medical transcriptionist to complete their targets and get the desired career results.
  • A good memory: Medical transcriptionists need to have a good memory. It is not possible for them to stop every now and then to look for things and yet be accurate.
  • Desire for continuous education: Medical transcriptionist need to continuously update themselves with new medications, new surgical instruments, and even new diseases. There are always new things to learn everyday in the medical transcription field. Hence, medical transcriptionist need to regularly update themselves with new revisions.
  • Learn new languages and accents: With the advancement in technology, medical transcriptionists need to prepare transcriptions for doctors residing in different regions and different accents. The more accustomed the medical transcriptionist is; the better changes of growth are available to them.
Medical transcriptionists need to have passion for words, curiosity for meaning and desire to continuously grow in this demanding field. A global medical transcription company will always recruit the best medical transcriptionists after evaluating the necessary skill-sets specified above.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in UnitedStates, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certifiedcompany, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to majorhospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribesis the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strongpresence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providinghighly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatableturnaround time with robust & proven document management system as itsvantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions asits primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, bothASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valuedasset ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI),providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nineyards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR dataintegration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient inintegrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilitiesthat do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoringinterface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe hasspecial features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendlydocument search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes)
Mike Perry
12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374
Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes.
Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.


Medical transcriptionists need to follow some codes of ethics forprotecting the privacy and confidentiality of the patient information. In thisarticle; we look at these codes of ethics and understand how they affect themedical transcriptionists.

Medical transcription business is a highly demanding affair which deals withprotecting the personal information of patients in a highly secure manner. The codes of ethics have been designed insuch a manner that they are applicable to healthcare in general and medicaltranscription in particular.

The Association for HealthcareDocumentation Integrity (AHDI) initially developed these codes of ethics forits members. Now these guidelines work as a framework for medical transcriptioncompanies.

Let us now look at some of therules and regulations laid by AHDI which help medical transcriptionists inproviding quality services to the clients:
  • Confidentiality of patient information: Confidentiality of patient information is of paramount importance to medical transcription companies. It includes peer reviews, quality improvement and risk management protocols with special effort to maintain data security in electronic communications.
  • Maintain standards of professional transcription practice: Proper implementation and maintenance of standards for professional transcription practice.
  • Accurate and timely information: Always strive to provide accurate and timely information.
  • Compliance with rules and regulations for patient documentation: Compliance with all laws, rules, regulations and standards governing practice of patient documentation.
  • Exercise integrity in professional practices: Always strive for professional practices including work or professional experience, credentials, affiliations, productivity reporting, billing charges and payment practices.
  • Respect the rights and dignity of all individuals: Every individual has a unique thing to offer. Hence; it is very important to understand the needs of every individual and respect their rights and dignity.
  • Encourage work environment which promotes integrity and professionalism amongst employees: Create a working environment where employees are thorough professionals facilitating integrity and protecting personal information of the patients.
Medical transcription business ismore than just converting voice files into typewritten documents. A simpleerror can even cause death of a patient. Hence; it is very important for medical transcription companies to train their employees beforehand so that they can providethe services as per the guidelines provided by The Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI).

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in UnitedStates, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certifiedcompany, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to majorhospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribesis the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strongpresence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providinghighly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatableturnaround time with robust & proven document management system as itsvantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions asits primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, bothASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valuedasset ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI),providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nineyards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR dataintegration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient inintegrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilitiesthat do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoringinterface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe hasspecial features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendlydocument search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes)
Mike Perry
12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374
Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes.
Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.


Selecting a good medical transcription company is not a cake walk. There are certain aspects which make or break the transcription services. In this article; we look at some of the primary aspects of medical transcription service which are inevitable for the successful delivery of transcribed documents.

Medical transcription companies provide lot of different services to their clients. However, there are certain basic services which predominantly exist in all transcription services. Let us look at some of the core features that you can expect from a good medical transcription company:
  • Quality: One mistake that clients make while selecting a medical transcription company is over-emphasizing on the fact of cost and features of medical transcription service. But they ignore the basic criteria of transcription quality. Often this results in lot of corrections and errors. Hence; there is a need for a synchronized effort comprising of different quality aspects which results in delivering effective medical transcription service:
    • Process: Pay attention to the processes followed by the medical transcription company. Most of the transcription companies enumerate their transcription processes on their websites. Others will gladly explain the process if you call and ask them about it.
    • Accuracy: Always ask for the accuracy of the transcribed document. Please note that the average rate of accuracy in transcription industry is 98.5%. Always compare this figure with the accuracy rate provided by transcription company.
    • Corrections: Please note that transcription companies should not charge you for the corrections. In fact they should have a clear process for handling corrections. If the transcription company does not have a pre-defined process for handling corrections then it is always advisable not to go ahead with the contract.
    • Patient Name Errors: These are some common errors which occur during the transcription process. Clarify with the transcription company whether they have a clear process for avoiding and correcting these errors.
  • Turnaround Time: Generally medical transcription companies provide 24 hours turnaround time to their clients. There are certain companies which provide medical transcription services in even lesser time but with some additional charges. Always note that a shorter turnaround time does not guarantee quality transcription. Select turnaround time which suits your needs instead of shortest turnaround time with lowest price.
  • Reputation & References: Always ask for references from the medical transcription companies irrespective of their establishment. Remember that your basic objective of asking for references is to understand whether the medical transcription company can provide the desired services in respect to your dictation speed and accent. Ask for references of clients who are currently using such services, so that you can get a clear picture of the capability of the transcription company.
  • Electronic records and compatibility:Documentation in electronic format has become quite essential nowadays. Hence; it is always advisable to confirm with the medical transcription company if they can provide the documentation in electronic format directly into eMR. Please note that MS Word and RTF format documents are most popular and will have the best support in Electronic Record Systems.
  • Hidden Costs: Hidden costs are costs which are not disclosed by the medical transcription company. Some of the common hidden costs include:
  • Line Definitions: Always ask the medical transcription company about the number of characters or key strokes in a line. Normally a line constitutes of 50 to 65 characters or key strokes. This is an industry norm for a line definition. Even blank lines and lines with single words will be charged.
  • Minimum volume contracts: Avoid contracts that specify minimum number of billable lines per month. This is very important because if in case you do not use the transcription service for that given billing cycle you will still end up paying for the services that you did not use.
  • Additional charges for corrections: Reputed medical transcription companies do not charge correction fees for errors. Ensure that there are no charges levied on correction of errors.
A good medical transcription company will see to it that the transcription services are provided with utmost care in minimal time. They also ensure that the quality of the transcribed documents is as per the industry standards.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust &proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes)
Mike Perry

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374
Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes.
Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Medical practitioners always have their hands full on satisfying the needs of their patients. Hence; it becomes very difficult for them to work on their medical transcription needs in-house. In order to balance their act, it is very important for medical practitioners to outsource their medical transcription needs to the best medical transcription company. Click here to learn about the requisite steps to be followed for selecting best medical transcription companies for medical transcription needs.

Medical Transcriptionist business is one of the viable options available in the market today. Although medical transcriptionist does not belong to the core activities of the medical practitioners still it is nonetheless a very important process to be followed by physicians and medical practitioners. Hence; it becomes very important for medical practitioners to consider medical transcription outsourcing as one of the most viable options currently available in the market. By outsourcing medical transcription services, medical practitioners can concentrate on their core activities i.e., treating the patients effectively and run a profitable medical practice.

Let us now look at the various steps required for selecting the best Medical Transcription Companies:
  • Market Research and Analysis of the selected transcription company: The first step for selecting one of the best Medical Transcription Company is to conduct a thorough market research of the company which you think is the right candidate for fulfilling your transcription companies. It includes tapping the resources, verifying the details of the organization and analyzing the details in a thorough professional manner.
  • Verifying tenure of the selected transcription company: It is highly essential for medical practitioners to verify the tenure of the selected company. This will help the medical practitioners to gauge the reliability aspect of the company. If it is a recently launched company with a relatively less experience it would be risky for the medical practitioners to transact with them. But if the selected transcription company has been around for a long duration; then it becomes a relatively easier decision to opt for that company.
  • Check references of existing customers of the selected transcription company: Medical practitioners need to check the references of existing customers of the selected transcription company. A transcription company with a lengthy clientele will give them an edge over other transcription companies.
  • Verify the billing mode of the selected transcription company: The next step is to verify the billing mode of the selected transcription company. Please note that good transcription companies bill their transcription services on the basis of number of lines transcribed. Generally a line consists of 65 characters. Another mode of charging the transcription services is through fixed price method based on number of words in the transcribed file.
  • Client Servicing services provided by the selected transcription company: Medical practitioners need to confirm whether the selected medical transcription company provides good client servicing services to the medical practitioners. Good medical transcription companies always take good care of their respective clients by providing toll-free client support representatives that can readily assist medical practitioners with specific concerns or problems.
  • Methods of delivering transcription needs of the selected transcription company: The next step is to determine the method of transcribing used by the selected transcription company. Good medical transcription companies always opt for online techniques for transcription needs. This helps the medical practitioners to have a real-time view of the transcribed documents through online medium.
  • Normal transcription delivery report of the selected transcription company:Medical Transcription companies provide delivery report of the transcription services to the medical practitioners. Please note that good medical transcription companies offer a maximum delivery report duration of less than 24 hours.
  • Delegation of transcription services to foreign countries by the selected transcription company: It is very important to verify whether the selected transcription company outsources their transcription services to foreign countries. This criterion is very important because if the selected transcription company delegates the transcription to a country which is not well versed with English language, the quality of the transcription will go down. It will also make the transcribed document risky for further review.  This does not necessarily mean that the selected transcription company is bad as it outsources its transcription needs. But it can be the most important determining factor for selecting the transcription company.
  • Quality assurance processes provided by the selected transcription company: It is very important for the medical practitioners to determine the quality assurance processes followed by the selected transcription company. The precision of medical transcription is of utmost importance for the individual information and safety of the patients.
  • Criterion of pre-signed contract before initiating the transcription services: Medical transcription companies normally need an assistance agreement contract to be signed before starting the transcription process. These agreements need to signed and read properly so that there is no confusion in the latter part of the business. Normally it is better to clarify the details with the medical transcription companies before entering the contract to avoid any conflict or confusion.
It is very important to select a Medical Transcription Company which can provide requisite services desired by the medical practitioners in a very quick time. Quality is also of prime importance where medical transcription needs are concerned. A global medical transcription company recognizes the importance of the points mentioned above and delivers quality transcriptions in a very quick time.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust & proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset   ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes)
Mike Perry

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374
Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes.
Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.


ICD-10 implementation is one of the emerging hot topics in medical transcription domain. In this article; we look at different myths associated with ICD-10 and the realities associated with it. Click here to learn more about these myths.

With each passing year we are coming closer to a technology driven world. We are seeing path-breaking products launched in the market with great proficiency. But technology alone cannot make or break a product. It is also about creating new opportunities by including incremental changes in the original product, to make it universally accepted merchandise.

Going with this flow, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has decided to make major enhancements to the already existing ICD-9 codes. It is known as ICD-10 codes. The transformation from ICD-9 to ICD-10 coding although makes the work of medical practitioners tedious, it also gives them the opportunity to easily track and analyze disease patterns and outcomes of diseases. There are different names for code sets like:
  • ICD-10
  • ICD-10-CM
  • ICD-10-PCS
Let us look at the parlance of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS.
  • ICD-10-CM connotes to outpatient services for example; diagnose provided in physician’s office.
  • ICD-10-PCS connotes to inpatient services such as hospital stays, beds, nursing services and surgical procedures.
Although ICD-10 implementation will make the life of medical practitioners easier; there are certain sections of audience which are circumspect about the success of ICD-10 implementation. Let us now look at different myths associated with ICD-10 codes, and its realities:
  • Myth 1: The penultimate date of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS implementation has not been rolled out; although there are speculations that ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS will be implemented on October 1, 2013.
Reality: Medical entities associated with HIPAA have been given the ultimatum to comply with ICD-10 coding system starting from October 1, 2013. This applies to both dates of discharge and dates of service for all patients occurring on or after that date.
  • Myth 2: We can procrastinate for a bit longer before adopting ICD-10 codes in our entity as The Department of Health and Human Services will probably grant an extension for the implementation. Even if they won’t we can cover the ICD-10 training in a couple of weeks time.
Reality: Due to unforeseen circumstances the ICD-10 implementation date can be expended. But at this point of time it is looking absolutely certain that The Department of Health and Human Services will not extend this date and will make sure that the implementation process takes place as planned. Now if there is no prior planning you may lag behind and face compliance issues in future. With ICD-10 implementation the entire scenario of Medical billing and coding will change, and so if you procrastinate you may have to deal with serious compliance issues. Moreover; it is hardly possible for an entity to train their employees on ICD-10 coding system in a very short duration.
  • Myth 3: Since ICD-10 consists of large number of codes, it is nearly impossible to go for ICD-10 implementation.
Reality: Although there are large number of codes in ICD-10 and the code set is also longer than ICD-9; it does not make the ICD-10 implementation challenging. It makes the job of Medical Practitioners easier due to the following reasons:
    • ICD-10 is more accurate, more specific and logically structured than ICD-9-CM
    • Integration of new software will make the life of medical practitioners easier allowing them to track down codes faster than ICD-9

  • Myth 4: ICD-10 would lay more emphasis on electronic copies of medical coding. After October 1, 2013 all the coding will be done electronically.
Reality: There are loads of coding books existing in the market on ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS hence; there is no reason to believe that ICD-10 will be more electronic than ICD-9-CM.
  • Myth 5: ICD-10 was first initiated in 1993, so there is a possibility that the codes are already out-of-date.
Reality: Although inception of ICD-10 codes happened almost two decades back; there has always been an emphasis on introducing incremental changes in the product. With the continuous development of health care domain; there have been several revisions in codes. These incremental changes in the codes will continue till the point where healthcare community decides to freeze the codes.  Right now the healthcare community believes that the codes can freeze before October 1, 2013. But this will give ample time to medical billers, coders, physicians, and other healthcare workers to learn these codes before their compliance is required.
  • Myth 6: ICD-10-PCS will replace Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)
Reality: CPT will not change with ICD-10 implementation. Please note that as specified earlier; ICD-10-PCs are intended only for the purpose of reporting inpatient services such as hospital stays, beds, nursing services and surgical procedures.
  • Myth 7:  A lengthy documentation process will be required to be followed after ICD-10 implementation which will bring unnecessary complications to coding and billing process.
Reality: After the successful ICD-10 implementation, there will be a precise documentation process which will be required to be followed. The required information will already be there but it was not being used in ICD-9. The sole purpose of documenting the details is to make sure that the quality of the content is superior. It should also help the medical practitioners to specifically understand the patient problems easily.
ICD-10 implementation promises to provide a new leverage to medical domains across the globe. With the help of these codes, medical practitioners will be able to classify the health information in a proper way thereby maintaining the international standards set for healthcare documentation.

The transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 will not be an easy process. It will not only include conversion of codes in your information system, but it also involves supporting accurate codes, improving clinical documentation, increasing coder efficiency and help physicians adapt while minimizing interruption.

Mediscribes has developed a deep insight into the strategic and operational aspects of ICD-10 and the opportunities that lie ahead. We can provide an exhaustive program for ICD-10 training which will include various ICD-10 services mentioned below. We also help you to identify the level of risks, map workflows and convert your systems.

We can offer the following clinical improvements to clients in respect to ICD-10 Implementation:
  • Classification of Compliance Risks
  • Finer clinical documentation
  • Greater effectiveness of coding
  • Translate codes
  • Map and convert your systems
  • Train and test coders and clinical documentation improvement specialists
  • Train and support physicians
ICD-10 Services offered by Mediscribes:
  • ICD-10 Documentation and Revenue Risk Assessment Services
  • ICD-10 Transition planning and Recommendations Services
  • ICD-10 Project Management Services
  • ICD-10 Modeling and Code Translation Services
  • ICD-10 Financial Impact Analysis
  • ICD-10 Translation Management Tool
Medical practitioners need to hire an eminent Medical Transcription Company for smooth transition of ICD-10 implementation process in their organization. To learn more about our services click here.

About Mediscribes

Mediscribes, Inc. is one of the fastest growing Medical Transcription & document management systems providers in United States, based in Metro Louisville. Mediscribes is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, rendering cost-effective consolidated transcription solutions to major hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities in United States. Mediscribes is the most value-providing organization in the market today with a strong presence in America and offshore locations. The firm specializes in providing highly accurate transcription adhering to ADHI guidelines in unbeatable turnaround time with robust & proven document management system as its vantage point to its esteemed clientele.

Mediscribes provides end-to-end transcription solutions as its primary offering. For our customers, we focus on dictation systems, both ASP as well as enterprise level solutions, with the help of our most valued asset   ezVoiceIntelligence (ezVI), providing specialty-specific qualitative transcription along with a “whole nine yards” document management system. Mediscribes specializes in EMR data integration as well. Our data dispatch department is highly proficient in integrating transcribed reports into any type of EMR. Healthcare facilities that do not have EMR get the option to use our web-based file monitoring interface called eTranscribe for global access to their data. eTranscribe has special features of E-signing, E-faxing, auto-printing, and user-friendly document search criteria.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (Mediscribes) 
Mike Perry

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502-400-9374
Copyright © 2009. Mediscribes. 
Mediscribes is a registered trademark. All Rights Reserved.
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